Saturday, March 10, 2012

Almost Treasure Island

A play cover commission written by Eddie McPherson. The synopsis goes something like this:
Jack and his buddies have followed a treasure map to a secluded little island where a priceless treasure is supposedly buried. Led by Roger, “Captain Sir”, and somewhat entertained by Magician Jeff, the boys arrive to discover “Water as far as the eye can and find out that they have only half of the map. Before the group left, Jack’s sister, Sara, snatched the other half of the map. Dreaming of “manicures and Macy’s,” Sarah and her set of friends travel to the island to unveil their riches. Neither group knows about the other group or their plans. The girls cook up a plan to swipe the map, but while searching the island the boys overhear their scheme and counterplot. In an attempt to scare the girls off the island, the boys find themselves in a cold sweat; face to face with the Jungle Man.

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